Xenosatanism Discussion by start-where-i-end

anon: A few days before 25 October, here was @/residual-fools, an account that possibly was made by one of creators of xenosatanism.

1) The blog’s title was: Uncharted territory coiner, and the profile description was: xenosatanist and (rad)queer. it/its || link to the new xenosatanism carrd (link 1) (link 2)

2) It had two reposts from some blog of some xenosatanist. The posts was: “I want to make some flags” and “Want to f— kodos?”

3) In the pinned post there was: First and foremost: radical queerism/radqueerism/radqueer is inclusive of a huge variety pro-contact stances: that’s one of the main points of the label. Otherwise, if you wanna exclude pro-contactism you can stick to your LIOM pathetic labels and their myriad of repetitive copies.”Radical” is there for something, it’s not just here to make “radqueer” sound cool or edgy


If these people aren’t gone, I’d be interested in catching one and asking a few questions. Particularly, what’s their exact relationship with Newgon. But I don’t expect them to reach out to me themselves though.

I’m not the one to defend “radqueer” as a term, but implying that being pro contact is radical in any way is laughable.

Context: Newgon is a MAP fediverse instance (on Mastodon), that tends to align themselves as pro-contact. This is their wiki. ‘start-where-i-end’ is Lecter, who runs the instance NNIA. Here is an article from Lecter on xenosatanism. Here’s an article from Lecter on Newgon and a specific study that Newgon cites in defense of youth age gap romantic/sexual involvement.

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